A selection of articles about the Alexander Technique from a variety of
professional journals; newspapers; magazines; and health, fitness and sports publications.

Professional journals


Nobel Lecture (Dec. 12, 1973)
"Ethology and Stress Diseases"
by Nikolaas Tinbergen, Nobel Laureate in Physiology/Medicine 1973

One of the founders of ethology, the branch of biology that studies animal behavior, Nikolaas Tinbergen devoted half of his Nobel lecture to discussing Alexander's research methods and the benefits he and his family experienced from studying the AT.


British Dental Journal (April 2014)
Journal of the British Dental Association
"How to look after you while you look after your patients"
by James Crow

How the AT enables relief and prevention of chronic pain and repetitive strain injuries common to dental professionals

Journal of the California Dental Hygienists' Association (Summer 2011)CDHA Journal Cover Summer 2011
"Learning to Work Pain Free - The Alexander Technique"
by Dana Ben-Yehuda, M.AmSAT

Explanation & brief history of the AT and its relevance to dental hygienists

RDH - National magazine for Dental Hygiene Professionals (Jan. 2000)
"Revisiting the Alexander Technique"
Brownie Siegler, RDH

Hygienist author explain
s how the AT enables her release tension as she works

RDH - National magazine for Dental Hygiene Professionals (Nov. 1999)
"Painful Inspiration"
by Carol Coady

Hygienist author relates her experiences with the AT and how it enabled relief of pain

Dental Hygienist News (Spring 1994)
"The Alexander Technique: postural and neuromuscular re-education"
by Carol Coady, RDH, BA

Explanation & history of the AT and its relevance to dental hygienists

JOURNALS FOR PHYSICIANS and FOUNDATIONS serving populations with specific conditions

European Journal of Integrative Medicine (Vol. 46, September 2021)
"How does the AT lead to psychological and non-physical outcomes? A Realist Review"

Researchers conclude that the AT may be a useful approach in a range of settings for psychological, long-term outcomes

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
(August 27, 2016)
Reductions in co-contraction following neuromuscular re-education in people with knee osteoarthritis

Study showed significant reduction in knee pain and stiffness and an improvement in function following lessons in the AT

Neural Rehabilitation & Neural Repair, Journal of the American Society of Neurorehabilitation (2015)
"Lighten Up: Specific Postural Instructions Affect Axial Rigidity and Step Initiation in Patients With Parkinson’s Disease"

Instructions based on the Alexander Technique given to people with Parkinson's Disease led to reduced postural sway, reduced axial postural tone, greater mobility of tone, and a smoother center of pressure trajectory during step initiation, possibly indicating greater movement efficiency.

Osteoporosis News (Autumn 2014)
Quarterly publication of the National Osteoporosis Society, UK
"Alexander the Great"

Overview of the AT and how it benefits those with osteoporosis and others by teaching how to improve posture and strengthen postural muscles

Journal of Neurophysiology (August 1, 2014)
"Neuromechanical interference of posture on movement: evidence from AT teachers rising from a chair"

This study compared the experiences of people with and without experience in the AT rising from sitting to standing and found that those with experience rose more smoothly with less difficulty.

Journal of Urology (October 2011)
"The Impact of the Alexander Technique in Improving Posture and Surgical Ergonomics during Minimally Invasive Surgery: Pilot Study"
Poster from AUA 2010

Pilot study demonstrating the effectiveness of the AT on reducing surgical fatigue and improving endurance, posture, ergonomics and ability to complete laparoscopic skills set in a shorter time. 

Human Movement Science (February 2011)
"Increased dynamic regulation of postural tone through Alexander Technique training" 

Research study concluded that the AT enables changes in the muscle tension along the spine and hips that supports the body against gravity, making it more dynamic and decreasing stiffness.

British Medical Journal (August 19, 2008)BMJ cover
Journal of the British Medical Association
"Randomised controlled trial of Alexander technique lessons, exercise, and massage (ATEAM) for chronic and recurrent back pain"

Conclusions of study of
579 patients with low back pain: "one to one lessons in the AT from certified teachers have long term benefits for patients with chronic back pain"

National Parkinson Foundation (August 21, 2008)
online newsletter of
the National Parkinson Foundation
"News: Alexander technique offers relief for back pain"
by Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD

References above back pain study for people with Parkinson's and back pain

The Spinal Connection (Spring/Summer 2005)
newsletter of
the National Scoliosis Foundation
"The Alexander Technique: An Educational Resource for People with Scoliosis"
by N. Brooke Lieb

Description of the AT and how and why it can benefit people with scoliosis

British Stammering [Stuttering] Association (July 2003)
UK website for stammering
"The Alexander Technique"
by Stuart Grant

By learning how to apply the principles of the AT, former stutterer is able to stop the old pattern of interference before it starts to allow the "works to work," resulting in speech that is fluent and relaxed

Parkinson's Disease Society (November 2002)
Information sheet describing research project funded in part by the PDS

Description of the AT and summary of results of randomized controlled trial showing how lessons can influence the impact of symptoms of Parkinson's


Physical Therapy Web
The Alexander Technique: An Introduction for Physical Therapists"
by Peter Bloch, MSTAT

Overview of the AT for physical therapists

Physical Therapy - Journal of the American Physical Therapy Association (June 2005)
Improvement in Automatic Postural Coordination Following Alexander Technique Lessons in a Person With Low Back Pain"
by Timothy W Cacciatore, Fay B Horak, Sharon M Henry

Case report describing use of the AT with a client with low back pain and the observed changes in automatic postural responses and back pain 

Clinical Rehabilitation  (2002  Vol. 16, No. 7)
"Randomized controlled trial of the Alexander Technique for idiopathic Parkinson's disease"
by Stallibrass, C et al

Study provides evidence that those with Parkinson's disease can experience sustained benefit from lessons in the AT

Advance - for Physical Therapists and PT Assistants
(June 7, 1999)
"The Alexander Technique: Good Posture, Good Health"
by Susan Morrill Ramsey, MA, PT

Explanation & history of AT, training required to teach

PT & OT Today
(August 26, 1996)
"Breaking Poor Habitual Patterns: the Alexander Technique emphasizes the return to natural movement"
by Karen Whitaker

Cover story. Description of AT and requirements of AT teacher certification
Journals of Gerontology (Vol 54, Issue 1, 1999)
The Gerontological Society of America
"Functional Reach Improvement in Normal Older Women after Alexander Technique Instruction"

Functional reach (a clinical measure of balance) was improved in normal older women after Alexander Technique instruction

Arthritis Today  (March-April 1999)
Arthritis Foundation newsletter
"Movement Therapies"

by Judith Horstman

Description of AT and how it may enable those with arthritis to move with more ease and less pain


Sci-Fi Online
Alan Tudyk Interview
by Darren Rea

Actor describes how the AT helped prepare him for his role in the movie "I, Robot" by teaching him about posture, balance and efficient movement

MS News (Autumn 1997)
newsletter of Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland
"Alexander Method: Body over Mind"
(author not listed)

Summary of Alexander's process of study and discovery with brief yet accurate description of basic concepts

Chest  (Vol. 102, No. 2: August 1992)
Cardiopulmonary and Critical Care Journal
published by the American College of Chest Physicians
"Enhanced respiratory muscular function in normal adults after lessons in proprioceptive musculoskeletal education without exercises"
by John Austin, MD and Pearl Ausubel

Summary of research on the effects of lessons in the AT on respiratory functioning. Subjects with instruction in the AT experienced enhanced ease of breathing compared to control group.

Behavioral Medicine (November-December 1981)
Practical Psychology for Physicians
"The Alexander Technique: An innovative approach to reducing physical tension and stress"
by Karen H. Segal, Ph.D.

Summary of principles of the AT,
etiology of misuse and how the AT helps patients identify neuromuscular tension and restore physcial homeostasis. Quotes from physical therapist, orthopaedic surgeon and radiologist who recommend use of the AT for patients with musculoskeletal problems, lung diseases, joint diseases and scoliosis.


Classical Singer (April 2006)Classical Singer
"Singers and the Alexander Technique"

by N. Brooke Lieb

Author, a certified teacher, describes how the AT enables singers to improve breathing, posture and singing by addressing habits of breath managment, vocal and other tensions, and issues of performance anxiety  

Classical Singer
(October 2004)
"Self-Supervision and the Singer: The Safety of Intelligent Practice"
by David L. Jones

Tips for practice techniques in which the study of the AT is recommended for heightening body awareness and finding a healthy body, head and laryngeal posture

Classical Singer
(June 2003)
"Watch your back: how Alexander Technique can change your life and art"
by Lori Gunnell

History and principles of the AT explained, interviews with singers who describe their experiences with the AT


Internationa Musicians Magazine (June 2023)                                                               Internations Musicans Magazine 6-23
"The AT: For Musicians, Every Movement is Meaningful"

Overview of the AT and its benefits for health of musicians

The Strad (Feb. 19, 2015)
"Double Bassist Peter Buckoke on treating head and neck pain"

Cellist and professor at Royal College of Music describes how his experience with the AT enabled him to play without pain.

Classical Connections (Dec. 5, 2008)
"Mind Body at Longy" (audio program)
by Michelle Sweet

AT is part of Mind Body program at Longy School of Music to teach students how to develop good performance practice techniques and avoid injuries.

Radio OpenSource (Jan. 21, 2008)
Sir Colin Davis interviewed by Christopher Lydon (audio program)

World renowned 80 year-old conductor talks about the physical ease he experiences as a result of his study of the AT

The Wall Street Journal (January 21, 2007)
"Classical Musicians Suffer for Their Art"
by Stuart Isacoff

Performance-related injuries and methods such as "the very popular Alexander Technique" that are used for relief

The Strad (August 2003)
"In a Spin"
by Pedro de Alcantara

Thorough and very readable explanation of the application of AT principles to cello playing by author who is both a cellist and AT teacher

The Washington Post  (March 25, 2003)
"Tuba Lips, Guitar Nipples and Other Musical Maladies"
by Stephanie Mencimer

Injuries common to musicians and therapies and treatments that are used. Guitarist relates effectiveness of the AT in dealing with them

The Strad (June 2002)
"Freedom to Breathe"
by Joseph Sanders

AT & good breathing in string players

The Strad (May 2002)
"Straighten Up"
by Peter Buckoke

AT enabled good posture & relief of pain for bassist author: professor of double bass and AT teacher at Royal College of Music, London


Jazz Canada Bulletin (Vol. 6 No. 1, Spring 2002)
Newsletter for Jazz Canada
"The Musicians Need for Awareness" (pages 5-6)
by Grace Talusan

Feature story includes history and description of the AT and how it is used by musicians and singers to perform with greater comfort, freedom and expressiveness

American String Teacher (August 1999)
"The Alexander Technique: Its Basic Principles Applied to the Teaching and Performing of Stringed Instruments"
by Charles Jay Stein

Thorough explanation of the AT by certified teacher author

Saxophone Journal (Mar/Apr. 1998)
"Jan Steele"
by Clive Bell

Interview with saxophonist and Royal Academy of Music AT teacher Jan Steele which includes his explanation of the AT and relevance to wind players & others

Double Bassist (Spring 1998) Double Bassist
"Body Work"
by Peter Buckoke

History of the AT and its relevance to string players by professor of double bass and AT teacher at Royal College of Music, London

Musician (September 1998)
"Alexander the Great (Technique)"
by Kris Nicholson

Brief article in "Working Musician" section explaining the AT

Cantate California (Winter 1997)
"Voice Production and the Alexander Technique: Learning the Alexander Technique"
by Teresa Radomski, M.M.
(official publication of California American Choral Directors Association)

Explanation of the AT, how it's taught

The NATS Journal
(National Association of Teachers of Singing - May/June 1993)
"The Alexander Technique and Voice Pedagogy"
by Jane Heirich

Principles of the AT explained using stories of author's pupils to illustrate how AT and voice pedagogy strengthen each other


Dance Magazine (May 2009)
"Head First"
by Jen Peters

Description of how the AT enables dancers to improve alignment, relieve muscle tension and fatigue, and prevent and recover from injuries
Rebecca Netl-Fiol

(January/February 2007)
Country Dance and Song Society Newsletter
"'Free Your Neck!"
by Phyllis Richmond

Three AT teachers teach its principles to English country dancers and muscians at
weeklong camp devoted to traditional dance and music

Dance Magazine
(May 2004)
"Mind your Body"
by Janet Weeks

Dancers, choreographers, dance teachers & students describe how lessons in the AT have enabled them to release tension, prevent injury and learn new movements more quickly. 

Dance Magazine May 2004

Dance Spirit
(January 2003)
"Head to the Neck"
by Judith Taber

AT principles described with photos of AT teacher working with dancer

DanceSpirit cover

Dancing USA (February/March 1999)
"Finding a better balance"
by David Martin

Explanation of the AT and its benefits for ballroom dancers

American Music Teacher (April/May 1996)
"To Schlep or Not to Schlep"
by Charles Jay Stein

In-depth explanation of "basic Alexandrian concepts" with suggested reading list

Psychology of Music (1995  Vol. 23, No. 2)
Journal for the
Society for Education, Music, and Psychology Research
"The Effect of Lessons in the Alexander Technique on Music Performance in High and Low Stress Situations"
by Valentine, Elizabeth R. et al
Department of Psychology, University of London

Experimental group of music performance students showed improvement in overall music and technical quality after series of lessons in the AT

Double Reed News (Feb. 1994 No. 26)
"Three Musicians conclude their discussion of the AT"

AT teacher Malcolm Williamson's transcription of continuation of discussion of the AT amongst: Bill Benham (violinist, AT teacher), Melon Mackie (bassoonist) & Joseph Sanders (oboist, AT teacher)

Double Reed News (Aug. 1993 No. 24)
"Three Musicians Talk about the AT"

AT teacher Malcolm Williamson's transcription of discussion of the AT amongst: Bill Benham (violinist, AT teacher), Melon Mackie (bassoonist) & Joseph Sanders (oboist, AT teacher)


Dressage Today
(July 2001)Dressage Today cover
"Learn Balance & Self-Awareness: The Alexander Technique"
by Saundra Code

Principles of the AT applied to dressage riding by Centered Riding instructor/author

Horse Magazine
(August 1998)
"On the Straight and Narrow"
by Carol Laming

Rider author explains how the AT "cured her crooked riding"

Anvil Magazine
(February 1997)
"Changing the way you work - the Alexander Technique"
by Carol Prentice

Author, a teacher of the AT, explains how the principles of the AT apply to the work of a farrier. Well-illustrated with photos and drawings.
                          tending the hind
photo by Carol Prentice
from Anvil Magazine
Health, Fitness, Sports

Philadelphia Inquirer (December 18, 2019)
"Surgeons are talking about a once-taboo topic: their own pain from operating"
by Stacey Burling

Use of AT by surgeons to relieve pain caused by hours spent in contorted positions

Harvard Health Publications (November 23, 2015)
"The Alexander Technique can help you (literally) unwind"
by Eva Selhub, MD

Overview of the AT and its benefits
Boston Globe
(Nov. 17, 2008)
"What is the Alexander Technique?"
by Judy Foreman

Brief description of AT and summary of recent research showing its benefits  to people with back pain

Saga Health News (May 2006)
Alexander Technique - a way of rediscovering physical awareness to enable you to get rid of bad postural habits"
no author listed

Summary of the AT, how it's taught and its benefits for those over 50

Natural Health 
(March 2005)
Eliminate job strain: the Alexander Technique retrains your body to avoid end-of-workday aches and pains"
by Sharon Cohen

Brief description of the AT and its benefits to computer users and "desk jockeys"

Prevention  (September 2003)
"Straighten Up, Be a Star: Alexander Technique Helps Your Body - And You - Perform"
by Jenny Poust

Overview of the AT including brief history, principles and benefits. Author describes her experience of a lesson.

Prevention (June 2002)
"Move away from the pain"
by Sharon Stocker, Ellen Gribben Bornet

Benefits experienced from lessons in the AT after serious car accident: improvement in posture, ease of movement and return to activities of normal life

Sports Illustrated Golf Plus
(Dec. 18, 2000)
"The Answer to a Stress Test"
by Carl Vigeland

PGA golfer Jeff Julian
describes how the AT enabled him to improve his game and gain relief of formerly chronic neck and shoulder pain

New Age (May/June 2000)
"Back to Basics"
by Timothy B. McCall, M.D.

Long-term solutions to back pain including explanation of the AT

Yoga Journal
(Winter 1999 - 2000)
"Somatics: Yogas of the West"
by Larry Sokoloff

Author summarizes a number of Western somatic disciplines, including AT, that complement yoga by offering tools to integrate body and mind

Fitness Swimmer (April/May 1998)
"Body of Knowledge"
by Jim Harmon

AT teacher Steven Shaw's application of principles of AT to swimming 

T'AI Chi Magazine
(Dec. 1997)
"T'ai Chi and the Alexander Technique"
by Bill Walsh and Holly Sweeney

Authors write about the complementary nature of T'ai Chi & the AT

(January/February 1997)
"Stand up straight"
by Judith Newman

Benefits of good posture and effects of bad posture with recommendation of AT

New Age Journal
(October, 1996)
"Thoughtful Moves"
by Robertson Davies

Canadian novelist Robertson Davies' essay about his experiences of
forty years of study of the AT

Natural Health (March/April 1992)
"Regain Grace: the Alexander Technique"
by Ronald Kotzsch

Author describes experiences of lessons

(October 1990)
"The Alexander Technique: An effective therapy for medical problems?"
by Ronald Kotzsch

History and principles of the AT explained in depth, description of a lesson

Walking Magazine
(January/February 1990)
"Alexander's great discovery"
by Madeline Drexler

History and principles of the AT explained including quotes from an AT teacher and a pupil relating their experiences in applying principles to walking

(September 1988)
"Better Body Mechanics"
by Richard Leviton

Lengthy article includes history and description of the AT incorporating quotes from many teachers & photos
Men's and Women's magazines

Oprah Magazine (April 2009)
"A Dramatic Cure for Back Pain"
by Tim Jarvis

Summary of research showing the longterm benefits of lessons in the AT for people with chronic back pain

Men's Fitness
  (January 2008)
"The Alexander Technique - Improve your Physical and Mental Capabilities"
by Kaye Kirschner

How the AT can increase awareness and control, improve alignment and alleviate pain

Martha Stewart Living (June 2006)
"Posture Perfect"
by Kimberly Fusaro

Importance of good posture for body alignment, healthy functioning and appearance.  Tips include recommendation of AT

Self (April 1999)
"Longer and Leaner"
by Dimity McDowell

AT teacher's exercises to illustrate AT

McCall's (Sept. 1998)
"Natural Painkillers"
by Judith Mandelbaum-Schmid

Safe, alternative treatments for common ailments including recommendation of the AT for treatment of backaches

Esquire (Nov. 1997)
"The First Step"
by Cal Fussman

Author describes his experience of lessons

Self Magazine
(May 1997)
"Q: My back hurts. What can I do?"
by Judith Mandelbaum-Schmid

Question answered by AT teacher Deborah Caplan

Men's Fitness
(October 1996)
"The Body in Balance"
by Hunter Whitney

Author describes his experiences with different methods of improving posture, physical alignment and movement including lessons in the AT

Elle (July 1990)
"Front and Center"
by Mary Lisa Gavenas

How AT relates to alignment, breathing and movement

New York Woman (April 1990)
"Walking Tall"
by Joan Arnold

AT teacher Judy Leibowitz describes her history of polio, her experiences with the AT and her teaching practice which includes acting students from Juilliard among others

New Woman (January 1990)
"Posture Perfect"
by Alex Finley

Actress author describes the AT, her experiences with lessons and the resulting changes she's experienced in body and mind

Newspapers, Online publications
(very limited sampling)

Washington Post (Nov. 12, 2013)
"Alexander Technique proponent makes her students sit up and take notice"
by Lenny Bernstein

Washington, DC teacher Marian Goldberg interviewed

Boston Globe (Nov. 17, 2008)
"What is the Alexander Technique?"
by Judy Foreman

Brief description of AT and summary of recent research showing its benefits  to people with back pain

Financial Times (Nov. 15, 2008)
"Why Alexander truly is great"
by Harry Eyres

Background of the AT and association of Alexander and philosopher John Dewey

The Times (April 18, 2008)
"The Alexander Technique as a treatment for mental illness"
by Naomi Schragai

Interviews with pupils who discuss emotional and psychological benefits of lessons in the AT

Radio OpenSource (Jan. 21, 2008)
Sir Colin Davis interviewed by Christopher Lydon

World renowned 80 year-old conductor talks about the physical ease he experiences as a result of his study of the AT

Slate (Posted June 12, 2007)
"Unnatural Poise: Learning the Alexander Technique"

by Laura Moser

Author describes her experience with lessons in the AT

Guardian Unlimited (March 16, 2006)
"Mind over Matter"
by Carol Dix

87 year-old Jeanne Day has been teaching the AT for almost 50 years and attributes her flexibility, grace, energy and stamina to what she has learned from it

Timesonline (April 1, 2005)
"Walk this way"
by Michele Kirsch

Based on the AT, a gait analysis program at UK College teaches athletes how to improve postural and movement patterns and prevent injuries

Sydney Morning Herald
(Dec. 16, 2004)

"Remarkable Success of a Flawed Yet Upright Man"
by Wendy Champagne

Summary of Alexander's life and work from biography by Michael Bloch

Toronto Star (Feb. 6, 2004)
"Reversing Gravity's Effects"
by Janice Mawhinney

Description of the AT and experiences of a photographer who learned from it how to respond differently to his physically demanding work, resulting in the relief of aches, pains and depression and an increase of an inch and a half in height

The San Francisco Chronicle (May 14, 2003)
"Body of work: Frank Ottiwell trains aspiring actors in his specialty: the Alexander Technique"
by G. Allen Johnson

Author's impressions of AT teacher and actor Frank Ottiwell's acting class. Includes brief history of the AT & quotes from actress Annette Bening

Catholic Digest
(February 2003)
"Is your posture making you sick?"
by Cynthia Hopkins

Author describes her experiences learning the AT and how incorporating its principles into her daily activities has brought her relief from previously chronic, debilitating pain

BBC News  (August 18, 2002)
"Technique helps people walk tall"
by Sharon Mascall

AT described through quotes from Australian teacher Keith Thom and his 73 yr. old pupil

NY Times (Dec. 16, 2001)
"Teaching Actors to Move with the Gracefulness of Dancers"
by Valerie Gladstone

AT teacher Jean-Louis Rodrigue coaches such actors as Hilary Swank and Pamela Gien to enable them to move in ways appropriate for their roles

Positive Health: Complementary Medicine Magazine (online - no date)
Summaries of articles about the AT and resources with links

NY Times (Mar. 26, 1997)
"A little warm-up for the gardener goes a long way"
by Jane Brody

Recommended techniques and tools for the gardener including description of how the AT enables the gardener to reduce stress on neck, back, shoulders, arms and knees

San Jose Mercury News (Nov. 20, 1996)
"Exploring the Alternatives"
by Jane Brody

After learning that surgery held no promise of relief from h
er chronic knee pain, author describes how what she learned from the AT enabled her to minimuze stress on knees

Boston Globe Good Health Magazine (Oct. 6, 1991)
"Posture Perfect: it's not how you stand but how you move"
by Christine Temin

Impact of good posture on good health with description of the AT and how it is used by dancers and others to improve posture and relieve
pain. Includes photos of an AT teacher working with dancer.

NY Times (June 21, 1990)
"A technique to shed muscle tension habits helps people suffering from chronic pain"
by Jane Brody

History and description of the AT including stories of chronic pain sufferers who experienced lasting pain relief after lessons

Boston Globe Magazine (Mar. 18, 1990)
"Posture Perfect"
by Madeline Drexler

Description of common problems of posture and carriage, history of Alexander and how AT enables student to find their best "mechanical advantage"



Jill Geiger, AmSAT, STAT

teaching the Alexander Technique since 1990
Newton, MA

617 527 7373